ROV services

Provinding highly reliable, time and cost efficient services projects using ROV systems serving Salvage and Oil & Gas Industries.

iRov Underwater Services is a full IMCA (International Marine Contractor Association) ROV Contractor Member.

iRov Underwater Services is an ISU (International Salvage Union) Associate Member.


ROV Inspection Services up to 300 m depth

ROV Salvage Operations (iRov managed all the ROV Operations during the Costa Concordia Wreck Removal Project)

ROV Diver Monitoring

Platform Installation

Pipeline Inspection

Underwater Construction and Grouting Operations

Underwater search and Rescue Operations

Underwater Environment Monitoring

Inland Underwater Costruction

ROV Consulting and Client Rapresentation

ROV Fleet & Pilot Management

Offshore Operations

Pipeline and Cable

As-Laid/ Post Lay and As-Built ROV Survey

Buoy and Calm System Inspection

Drill Support

Touch Down Monitoring

Diving and ROV Assistance

Debris Survey

Subsea Valve and Flange Isnpection

NDT ROV Inspection Technical Reporting

Sonar Survey (Multi Beam Sonar, Sid Scan Sonar, Sub Bottom profilers) Seabed Mapping

Underwater Defense

Custom Solutions

Underwater Positioning

Training Course (ROV Trainging Courses for Offshore, Military, Research)


Please fell free to gent in touch with us, if you can’t find what you need or if you need product assistance.

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